Georgia’s STEM Day on May 9, 2014 is a daylong, Georgia-wide celebration of schools, students, teachers and companies that are committed to increasing STEM engagement and education. It will be the second annual Georgia STEM Day. Last year, The Technology Association of Georgia (TAG) Education Collaborative worked with the Georgia Department of Education and community partners to engage nearly 300,000 students and educators from over 50 school districts in exciting STEM activities in honor of the very first Georgia STEM Day. Let’s increase those numbers for the second annual Georgia STEM Day on May 9, 2014! Email your schools and ask them to participate! Remind them that the success of our children depends on our ability to provide them with the type of STEM education they’ll need to thrive in our increasingly knowledge-based economy.
STEM is for Everyone, Including the Poets and Historians
This is the main message of STEM Day and MathSP agrees. In this Information Age, technology permeates every field, not just the hard math and science professions. The ubiquity of technology means that even students who do not intend to become engineers and doctors need a rock-hard foundation in STEM to be competitive and productive participants in our ever-changing economy. Every day our world becomes more and more STEM dominant, which is why Georgia is investing more and more of its educational resources in fortifying STEM education.
Get Involved
Download the STEM Day Activity Repository, a resource provided by TAG-Ed to inspire innovative STEM Day celebrations. STEM Day is not just about encouraging you, your school and your community to support STEM education, but also about rewarding genuine and curious and ingenious explorations into the world of STEM. If you or your school (or both) participates in STEM Day, submit your celebratory activities to TAG-Ed and you just might receive a TAG STEM Education Award! These awards honor Georgia companies, schools, programs and public/private partnerships for exceptional efforts and achievements in celebrating and advancing STEM education.
The MathSP Difference
At MathSP, we don’t just talk about STEM, we live STEM. We are passionate about equipping Georgia’s students with the tools they need to enter any STEM field they set their sights on, even (and particularly) if that’s rocket science! We’re not joking when we say that we’re aspiring to train and empower all of Georgia’s students, from those who aspire to be the next cohort of STEM Leaders and Nobel Laureates to the artists and historians who recognize that they’ll need STEM fluency to achieve great things in the Liberal Arts. STEM is everywhere and it’s only going to become more ubiquitous. That’s why it’s key to start early. Work with us. We’re working day-in and day-out to close the STEM gaps that are keeping Georgia from realizing its fullest potential. Stay tuned to learn how MathSP is celebrating STEM Day!