The GMAT Ladder Program can help you master these 7 tips… and more!
1. Develop a study plan.
Once you have registered for the GMAT and have a confirmed test date, create a study schedule. Plan out what you are going to study on a particular day, when you will study, where you will study, how long you will study and your goals for each day. Stick to your plan!
2. Review key foundational Math concepts.
A thorough review of concepts in Math subjects – arithmetic, algebra & statistics, and geometry – is very important! It is essential to have a strong foundation and understanding of key terms and equations before you begin applying this knowledge to GMAT Quantitative problems.
3. Identify areas for improvement and understand correct solutions.
You should understand why correct answers are correct and incorrect answers are incorrect. Identify your areas for improvement, and focus on strengthening these areas.
4. Practice, Practice, Practice!
Similar to anything in life that you have mastered, learning how to excel in GMAT Math is no exception. It takes hard work, practice, and time to become fluent in a new language or to learn how to swim well. Similarly, it takes hard work, practice, and time to master concepts and approaches to GMAT Math Problem Solving and Data Sufficiency question types. Practice working problems repeatedly until you have mastered them conceptually, and can answer them correctly in the appropriate time frame.
5. Simulate a real testing environment when studying.
You are allotted 3 hours and 46 minutes to complete the GMAT, including two eight-minute breaks. Treat your study time as if you are taking the real exam. Block out all distractions, limit interruptions, and focus throughout your study hours. This is great training for the real exam.
6. Time yourself.
You have 75 minutes to answer 37 Quantitative questions. That is an average of two minutes per question. Identify the shortest method to get to the correct answer. Sometimes solving the problem algebraically is the quickest way to get to the answer. Other times using a strategy such as Pick-A-Number or Back-Solve is the most efficient.
7. Take as many official on-line practice tests as possible.
Practice problems in books are great; however, the GMAT is a computer-adaptive test (CAT). Become familiar with answering Quantitative problems from computer screen to paper – doing so requires you to write down important information stated in each problem and draw diagrams and figures. You can download the Graduate Management Admissions Council’s free online test-preparation software, GMATPREP, to your PC or MAC by visiting This software provides practice with real GMAT questions and the CAT format.